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Event List

  • 25-04 Basic Shotgun Class

    February 22, 2025  8:00 am - 4:30 pm
    Double Tap Training Grounds, 300 Horton Cove Rd, Calera, AL 35040, USA

    10 shooter maximum
    The focus of Basic Shotgun is to establish a baseline of necessary skill sets for the shooter to effectively mount, present, aim and fire a shotgun. The firearms safety rules, fundamentals of marksmanship, weapon manipulation and maintenance will be presented and practiced. Students should be prepared for outdoor, moderate physical activities in seasonal weather conditions. Rain will hinder, but not stop the training, have rain gear. 
    Equipment Requirements
    Shotguns need to be quality firearms; equipped with sights; bead, rifle style or a red dot. This class is designed for pump action or semi-auto shotguns.
    Shotgun- 20 gauge or 12 gauge (other gauges, please check with us) in good mechanical condition.
    Shell holders/Shell pouches- some type of shell carrier that can carry at a minimum of two to five shells, more is better. Weapon mounted shell holders are fine but a body worn shell carrier is also recommended. 
    Ammunition– factory loaded quality ammunition. 75 rounds of #6, #7 or #8 birdshot 40 rounds of 00 buckshot, 20 rounds of slug.

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  • 25-02 Dark WASP: Low Light Course

    February 24, 2025  8:00 am - February 26, 2025  10:00 pm
    Double Tap Training Grounds, 300 Horton Cove Rd, Calera, AL 35040, USA

    This is a 25+hour course using small team tactics to approach, enter & deliberately clear structures in a low-light environment using white light techniques. 
    *WASP- Working Angles & Spaces

    24-26 February 2025
    300 Horton Cove Road
    Calera, AL 35040

    The course includes:
    Fundamentals of CQB
    Deliberate Clearing Tactics (rooms & halls)
    Use of Illumination Tools
    Team Tactics (4-Officer)
    Force on Target Exercises (Unit Solutions, Simunition, UTM, etc.)
    Live Fire Exercises
    Control & Coordination Techniques
    Force on Target Weapons & Onsite Lodging Rentals are available.
    Limited to 12 students
    Gear List
    White Weapon Mounted Light
    White Handheld Light
    Body Armor
    Carbine with 500 rounds & 6 magazines
    Handgun with 150 rounds (RDS strongly encouraged) & 3 magazines
    Training Carbine- Unit4, Force on Force, Simunition, UTM or Airsoft with 200 NLTM rounds
    20 Chem Lights (yellow, green or orange)
    2 Chem Lights (red)
    Sharpie Marker (standard or thicker size)
    Eye Protection (clear)
    Ear Protection
    Spare batteries for all devices

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  • 25-03 Countering Mobile Violence Course

    April 22, 2025 - April 24, 2025  

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